HBClittles serves our children that are ages birth - 3. Our youngest kiddos meet in the nursery for Sunday School and care during the morning worship service, if desired. Our nursery is located in the back corner of the Family Life Center where we gather for Sunday School and Worship. An infant care room is also available, next to the nursery, for infant care and nursing mothers. A greeter will happily guide you upon arrival!

HBCKIDS! serves children from PreK-5th grade. Sunday School classes are available for all ages. Children's Church is offered during the sermon for PreK-2nd grade. During our evening services, HBCKIDS! meets for Bible study, food, games, and fellowship. Our children's department is located in the basement of the former sanctuary. A greeter will happily guide you upon arrival!
Join us throughout the year for our annual campout at Cane Creek Park, Easter Egg Hunt, missions camp, summer camp, and Vacation Bible School!
Meet our Children's Ministry Team
Meet The Team
Jessie Grant
Children's Ministry Director